How does works our system? Just a few clicks will get all information sent or expected shipment.
The tracking field, enter the tracking number given to you by courier (eg .: 9002791873). The system for tracking the format selected by several carriers. You only need to click on your shipment has admitted carrier icons and in a few seconds you'll get the full information for your shipment way:
- where / to where consignments sent by
- what courier company transports your shipment;
- when and where the consignment was taken;
- through which countries are traveling in your shipment;
- see Customs clearance procedures in the way if your shipment is traveling outside the EU;
- when and where the consignment was handed
- contact the person who took the consignment; the service is free, fast, easy and convenient, does not require any registrations. The system works anywhere in the world, 7/24, 365 days a year.
Registered users will be able to:- to track their shipments;
- You'll see all the history of tracked shipments;
- to be informed by e. mail not delivered on consignment.